New garbage, recycling company in Lehighton
Lehighton has a new garbage and recycling company for the next five years.
Borough secretary Brenda Koons said County Waste of Pennsylvania LLC began performing its services Jan. 8.Weekly garbage pickup will remain the same (put out after 6 p.m. Thursday night for Friday morning pickup).However, there are several changes this year:• Recycling will be weekly. Businesses will be required to recycle as well, and this is in part the reason for the change from biweekly to weekly. They have always been required to recycle but there was never any enforcement in the past.Under the new ordinance, it will be enforced, and businesses will be fined along with any resident who does not recycle.Businesses can contact the new hauler for recycle dumpsters.• Anyone putting ashes out for garbage should make sure they are cold. Hot ashes will not be taken because they can cause a fire.• Garbage should not be placed out for pickup before 6 p.m. Thursday night, and receptacles should be removed from the curb line of the street or alley by 9 a.m. Saturday.• Electronics and microwaves will not be taken as part of trash removal. Residents can go to the state Department of Environmental Protection's website to find locations that accept electronics and microwaves.• Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners will not be taken unless the Freon has been removed and they are properly tagged indicating such.• Tires will not be taken. A tire recycling day will be held in the fall for residents who pay garbage to the borough, with a five tire limit per address. You must bring your utility bill and driver's license to qualify.• As in the past, new garbage/recycle calendars are available in the utility billing office at borough hall, as well as There is also a recycle page on the website explaining what can and can't be recycled.• Used motor and cooking oil in tightly sealed containers will also be accepted at the public works garage.• This spring, all residents will receive a new recycle container. The borough obtained a grant for new residential container, as well as recycling containers for the borough owned parks and the trailhead located on the bypass. The borough will announce when the new recycle containers will be available for pickup. Residents will be charged a fee to replace them should they be lost or damaged.• No construction material will be taken. The borough's garbage contract is for normal household garbage only.• The borough receives money back on a yearly basis through a recycling performance grant. The more the borough recycles, the more money the borough will get back, which gets put back into the community.The borough received $1,904 for 2014 and is in the process of submitting the 2015 grant now.With regard to the yard waste recycling program, shrubs with dirt removed, hedge trimmings and unbundled tree branches no more than 10 inches in diameter, can be placed in the dumpster near the salt shed at the public works garage on East Penn Street. These items not be placed in the garbage.Anyone with questions, or to report a missed pickup, should contact the customer service number at 570-874-3047.