Palmerton news
Historical society
The Palmerton Area Historical Society will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, June 10. A business meeting starts at 7 p.m., followed by the program, which will be a video entitled, "The Many Faces of Old Glory."This film is considered to be America's most entertaining show on how we got our flag. The public is invited to attend this free event. The meeting will be held in the Knight's Gallery of the Palmerton Area Library.Al-Anon Family GroupCourage to Change Al-Anon Family Group will meet from 7-8 p.m., Thursday, June 6, at St. John's United Church of Christ, 891 Columbia Ave., Palmerton.This is an anonymous fellowship offering hope for families and friends of alcoholics, past or present; whether they are still drinking or not. The group meets every Thursday.Community mealA free community meal will be held from 5-6:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, at St. John's United Church of Christ, 891 Columbia Ave., Palmerton. All are invited for a free meal and fellowship.Park concertThe Palmerton Band will hold a concert in the Palmerton Borough Park starting at 7 p.m., Sunday, June 9. In case of rain, the concert will be held in the Borough Hall, 443 Delaware Ave.Becky & The Beasts will perform June 16. Bring a lawn chair.Callers needed for blood drivesIn addition to contacting the local adults who donate blood, Miller-Keystone is running a special promotion for college and eligible high school students, offering a chance for them to win an iPad if they donate blood from June through August.The most effective way to secure a blood donor is to ask him or her personally; in this case by a phone call. About 30 people already make phone calls to adults for each blood drive, but additional people are needed to do the same to contact younger donors. This is not "cold calling" all the names (up to 12 per caller) will be to young people who have donated in the past.There will be Miller-Keystone Palmerton community blood drives on June 24 and Aug. 25, for which they will try to recruit local young people.Those willing to help in this effort by making phone calls, may contact George Ashman at (610) 826-2097, or email