Published September 01. 2020 11:54AM
Dear Editor,
A recent letter to the Times News described what a Joe Biden presidency would look like. Unfortunately, the author forgot to mention a few items. Under a Biden presidency, the United States will not suck up to dictators like Kim Jong Un and Putin.
We will not desert our allies. A Biden presidency will work with medical scientists to end the threat of COVID-19. Instead of insulting his political opponents, Biden will be able to work with them.
He will actually understand the separation of powers, the 14th Amendment, and the federal system.
He will understand that global climate change is real, that injecting disinfectant is bad for you, that the post office is a lifeline for millions of Americans, that tax cuts for the rich don’t trickle down.
He won’t denigrate labor unions, people with disabilities and immigrant children. He will work to bring us together rather than attempting to drive us apart for political gain. He won’t fill his cabinet and important government positions with incompetent sycophants, big money donors, lobbyists and family members out to make a buck.
Biden will not be fined for diverting funds that should have gone to a charity. He will not pay women for sex. He won’t be a crybaby like the man who currently occupies the White House, worried about not being liked. He won’t make up childish names for those who criticize him and he won’t govern by tweets and bluster.
I could name a few more items on what a Joe Biden presidency would be like, but I think the main change would be that life in the United States would once again be normal and we’ll have real leadership with experience, competence, empathy, honesty and integrity.
Deborah A. Smith