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No parking on this Tamaqua street

Residents in the 200 block of Washington Street will no longer be able to park on the west side of the street after Tamaqua borough workers installed no parking signs along the block on Wednesday morning. The new signs were approved by council, on a split vote broken by Tamaqua Mayor Nathan Gerace, in response to traffic concerns due to the Wabash Bridge Tunnel replacement on West Broad Street. While the street is not part of the official detour, traffic has reportedly increased as many motorists are using it as a shortcut. Borough employees Mark Leiby and Rich Miller put the finishing touches on the first of three newly installed signs. KATHY KUNKEL/TIMES NEWS

Residents in the 200 block of Washington Street will no longer be able to park on the west side of the street after Tamaqua borough workers installed no parking signs along the block on Wednesday morning. The new signs were approved by council, on a split vote broken by Tamaqua Mayor Nathan Gerace, in response to traffic concerns due to the Wabash Bridge Tunnel replacement on West Broad Street. While the street is not part of the official detour, traffic has reportedly increased as many motorists are using it as a shortcut. Borough employees Mark Leiby and Rich Miller put the finishing touches on the first of three newly installed signs. KATHY KUNKEL/TIMES NEWS