Palmerton OKs salary schedule
The Palmerton Borough Council approved the 2016 salary schedule at Thursday night's meeting.
According to the schedule, the borough manager, Rodger Danielson, will make $77,563 with a longevity rate of $1,340, which includes an educational stipend. The total of his income is $78,903.The second highest paid employee is Police Chief Randolph Smith at $68,432 with a longevity rate of $1,600 for a total of $70,032. Five of the full-time police officers make between $61,000 and $60,316 per year, including the longevity rate. One full-time officer makes $48,058 with no longevity rate. Donna McGarry, borough treasurer, said the officers receive the longevity rate once a year for having completed education requirements. Part-time officers make between $16 and $17 per hour.The borough's retainer rate for attorney Michael Ozalas is $2,000 per quarter. He also has an hourly rate of $75 per hour.Also on retainer is ARRO Consulting for sewer engineering work. The retainer fee is $3,400 per year, and Keystone Consulting Engineers provide general engineering services as needed. The company does not have a retainer, but is paid on an hourly basis.In the Public Works Department, Barry Scherer, the Public Works supervisor, makes $56,326. Under him is Dennis Behler, the Public Works coordinator, at $43,487.60, including the longevity rate. The other Public Works employees make between $41,287 and $40,497. The longevity rate is the income over the $41,000 mark.As far as sewer and water treatment, Keith Simmons, the department coordinator at the Sewer Plant, makes $47,037, while William Strauch, the department coordinator for the Water Department, makes $46,697. Both incomes include a longevity rate. The other water and sewer employees make between $40,497 and $44,297, including the longevity rate.Mayor Christopher Olivia receives a stipend of $200 per month, and council members receive between $150 and $200 per month. The borough treasurer, Donna McGarry, earns $44,900 per year. Duane Dellecker, the code enforcement officer, receives $17.09 per hour, and Larry Zawaly, a code enforcement agent, receives $14.29 per hour. Summer help, custodial workers and crossing guards are paid between $7 and $10 per hour.The salary schedule was passed unanimously. No one on council had any questions. Finance Committee Chairman Holly Sell was absent from the meeting.