Plans for park take shape in Eldred Twp.
The Eldred Township supervisors discussed their plans this week for the township’s property by the stone arch bridge near the general store on Kunkletown Road.
Gary Hoffman said the supervisors have been working with the owner of the general store to come to a compromise on the parking. The blacktop leading to the bridge will be removed, but the change will not decrease the amount of parking, he said.
The road to the stone arch bridge was closed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation because it was deemed unsafe for vehicle traffic. Pedestrians can still walk over the bridge.
Secretary Ann Velopolcek said an old mill used to sit on ground near the bridge, but it has since been torn down. The property once owned by the Smale family in that vicinity is now owned by the township.
Hoffman said some residents have said they would like to buy a memorial bench to place in the planned grassy area.
“We would want to incorporate that at some point,” he said.
Physical barriers will be put up to prevent vehicles from parking in the grassy area or running into the benches. The dumpsters will be moved from their current location, and the iron posts preventing vehicle access to the bridge will be removed. The posts will remain on the other side of the bridge.
“I think it’s absolutely great that you’re developing a rapport and able to go forward,” said MaryAnne Clausen, a former township supervisor. “One of the many purposes that I think this will serve is to create an attractive focal point for people driving by, to make the township appear attractive and inviting.”
Other business
• Some space in the municipal building is being converted into a conference room. This will enable people to look at maps and keep them separate from the office area.
• A clothing giveaway of Pleasant Valley school uniforms will be held from noon to 3 p.m. on Aug. 29 at the thrift shop in the community center.
• The Historical Society has created a website that is a tour of Kunkletown. They hope to have a link to it on the township’s website. The society’s website can be accessed at
• The deadline for entering the Historical Society’s photo contest is Sept. 14. The winning photos will be put into a calendar that will be sold as a fundraiser for the society. There is a grand prize and 10 smaller prizes. Contact the municipal office for an entry form. It is free to enter.
• Clean-up day will be held Sept. 25 and 26 for township residents only. They can bring items to the municipal building that aren’t allowed to be picked up by the garbage hauler, such as lawn furniture. Check the township website for more information.
• Monetary donations are being accepted by the Kunkletown Volunteer Fire Co. They have not been able to hold any fundraising events due to the pandemic and expect to lose about $140,000 in donations this year.