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Jim Thorpe Chamber plans meeting

Jim Thorpe Chamber of Commerce will meet at 7 p.m. today.

Last month the Chamber discussed the Fall Foliage Festival and the issue of crafters versus shops paying costs for entertainment.Nominations for board of directors for 2013 are: President, Dan Hugos; VP, Beatrice Shaffer and Ralph Cortazzo; treasurer, Mike Guy; recording secretary, Randall Sellers; corresponding secretary, Tom Loughery; Liaison to CCCC, Jake Arner; directors-at-large, Pat Handwerk and Mari Gruber.Olde Time Christmas sponsorship letter will be sent out, with income from sponsors to support event and no competition for local business. Website and Facebook presence plus will be promoted in the Philadelphia area, plus selling things in advance, online. Sale of mugs limited to 400. There will be a parade on Dec 30 and will be open to local participants. Coal Country Christmas will play six times at the Opera House over two weekends. ·The board discussed the usage of Jim Thorpe Chamber of Commerce name on events. Any event organizer must get permission from the JTCC board and/or membership to use JTCC name on a local event and organizers of an event must be members of the JTCC to be able to ask for and receive permission to use JTCC support and/or sponsorship of any event.