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Sacred Heart news

Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue, Palmerton, continues to offer its regular weekend Mass schedule following all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and diocesan directives during the green phase of response to COVID-19. As more new worshippers are rejoining us, we continue to ask all Mass participants to call the rectory, informing the staff of which Mass you will attend and the number of people with you.

Wearing a facial mask and safe distancing are required of all. The 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass is livestreamed on Facebook for those not able to join us.

The Sacrament of Confession continues to be offered by appointment only. Please call Father Campion at 610-826-2335 to schedule a time. All other parish and diocesan news can be found at www.shcpalmerton.org.

Fundraising support is important and we ask all that are able to use the Festival Start-up envelope to help defray costs of fundraisers and to help with lost revenue from the festival. Also, “Good Works” Raffle Tickets are available at the Rectory Office. Drawing is scheduled for Labor Day. Grand Prize: $1,000; second, $500; and third, $250.

This weekend we celebrate the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Scripture Readings focus on the truth that all people are invited to worship the Lord and know His ways. God’s call and gifts are given to Jews and Gentiles alike.

The Sacred Heart Men of Good News will meet on Aug. 22 in the Parish Center beginning at 9 a.m. All men 18 or order are most welcome.

The Pastoral Council for 2020-21 will be installed in September. Returning members are: Ex officio: the Rev. William Campion, pastor; Deacon Edward Girard and William Smelas, finance representative. Council members: Michele Mullikin, chairperson, Jeff Dobias, recording secretary, Michael Stasko, Francis Carazo, Lisa Kistler, Joyce Platz, Martin DeSousa, Joann Banas and Kelci Bubser, youth rep. New members: Patricia Chupa, David Tworkowsky and Lydia Gowin, youth rep.

Father Bill continues to ask all to join him in prayer, through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek, whose cause is under study for possible canonization, that God will bless us with a cure for COVID-19 and restore the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health to our global family.