Resident questions speed limit on Hahn's Dairy Road
A Lower Towamensing Township man has again questioned the placement of a stop sign at the scene of multiple accidents.
Resident Herman Bollinger repeated his concern with the placement of a stop sign along Hahn's Dairy Road to the township's board of supervisors on Tuesday.This time, Bollinger questioned the speed limit that motorists travel along the road.Supervisors Chairman Ron Walbert told Bollinger he wasn't aware of any such problems.Township secretary Christine Wentz added "they're going a lot slower than they were."Last month, the state Department of Transportation installed the sign on Monday a little over a half year after a vehicle lost control and tore through the bedroom of the home at 685 Hahn's Dairy Road.In October, three young persons escaped serious injuries when the car they were riding in crossed the double yellow lines and continued to travel in a southwest direction across the property at 705 Hahn's Dairy Road. The vehicle then went down a retaining wall and struck the residence at 685.That was the second incident where a vehicle crashed and struck the house within a 13-month span.In Sept. of 2010, a Kresgeville teen escaped injury after his vehicle went over a drop-off located in the yard at 705 and flipped over. The car then struck a tree/shrub at 685 while it was upside down. The car continued on and struck the northeast corner of the residence at 685, where it came to rest.Also on Tuesday, supervisors failed to reach an agreement on this year's road projects.Walbert said he believes the township should move forward with the list of projects that had been discussed.However, a motion by Walbert to move forward with the list of road projects failed due to lack of a second.Supervisor Brent Green said he believes the township needs to better monitor its roads, and suggested a one or five-year plan be created."I think we need to go more in depth," Green said. "I think we need to do every road and rate them."But, Walbert said he doesn't believe the township should change its course of action."I agree with you; I think we should make a list for next year," Walbert said. "I don't think we should change course (this year); that's ridiculous."In an unrelated matter, supervisors also failed to act on a recommendation by Green to have the township purchase a check scanner.Green said the device could be utilized to improve efficiency, among other benefits.But, Walbert said he believes the device is "an expense I don't feel we really need.""We just seem to be spending money we don't need to spend," he said. "You're starting to overreach on issues."In other business, supervisors:• Agreed to have the township road foreman call for quotes for motor repair to its yellow Peterbilt truck at a price not to exceed $10,000.• Agreed to purchase a new chipper box in the amount of $2,500.• Approved the Stemler landscaping improvements, with several conditions.• Granted Caron Associates/Stabler Development an extension until Sept. 11.• Approved a lot line adjustment for Glenn Mayer and Debra Orban.• Granted AT&T an extension until Sept. 28.• Agreed to renew a web site contract with Bobby O'Gurek.