Residents to present petition in support of principal
Several residents plan to attend a Palmerton Area School District board meeting tonight to present a petition in support of the current high school principal, Paula Husar.
A board meeting agenda, available on its website, does not include anything related to high school Principal Paula Husar's employment status, however a public comment section near the end of the meeting is available for nonagenda items.David Schwartz, a parent, started a petition on over a week ago asking the school board to keep her in the position. The petition was shared on social media sites. As of Tuesday morning the petition had 583 supporters.On Saturday, Schwartz updated the petition's website to include a copy of part of Husar's 2015-16 evaluation by Superintendent Scot Engler.Schwartz said Husar provided him with the petition, which gives her a final rating of unsatisfactory, with the permission to share it with the public. The box of "needs improvement" was checked next to Husar's performance rating.The entire evaluation was not posted to social media. Redacted was narrative from Engler about the reasons for the scores on Husar's evaluation.According to Schwartz, the redacted part of the document couldn't be shared due to "legal matters."Also on Saturday, a new petition surfaced calling for the school board not to renew Engler's contract, which drew support from a district teacher.Engler was named permanent Palmerton superintendent in 2014 and given a three-year contract that runs out Jan. 20, 2017, according to a previous Times News article.Husar, meanwhile, spent five years as middle school principal in the Chichester School District, five years as assistant principal at Lower Merion High School and two years as assistant principal in the Pleasant Valley School District.She was hired as Palmerton's junior high principal in June 2012. The next year, she was reassigned to principal at the high school. According to her supporters, Husar is on sick leave.Efforts to reach Husar and Engler for comment were unsuccessful.The board meets at 6:30 p.m. today in the Parkside Education Center.