Published October 29. 2014 04:01PM
The Summit Hill Water Authority, an independent entity of Summit Hill Borough, will likely cease to exist come Jan. 1.
The borough council is planning to take over the authority and create a Summit Hill Water Department.The council, according to plans, would request all authority members to resign by Jan. 1. The present chairman of the authority is Lewis Alexander. He could not be reached for comment this morning.A resolution regarding the takeover of the authority is set for adoption at the Nov. 24 meeting of the borough council.The council had voted 4-0 to advertise the ordinance for adoption. Those voting were Council President Jesse Walck, Vice President Michael Kokinda, John O'Gurek and Bill Chapman.Absent when the vote was taken were Michael Alabovitz, Greg Kosciolek and William O'Gurek.Walck said the ordinance is to notify the authority "of the termination and dissolution of the authority."The takeover would be effective Jan. 1, 2015. This will give council enough time to get the paperwork in line.John O'Gurek said he feels "it is going to make life easier as a borough" having the water department as part of the borough's operations instead of being a separate entity.At Monday's meeting of Summit Hill Borough Council, it was agreed to request the Water Authority to submit to the borough budget expenses to date and any outstanding balances.The borough council gave tentative adoption to its 2015 budget, and it includes a Water Department listing of expenses and receipts for 2015 of $313,991.Walck said there will be no changes in water rates for 2015.He said the takeover of the Water Authority "will result in efficiencies for us."The authority consists of five members appointed by the council. They are appointed for five-year terms, with the appointments being staggered.