Moment of silence held for two residents
Tamaqua Borough Council's regular monthly meeting started off on a somber note Tuesday as members noted the passing of two Tamaqua residents: Alan Kerr, former tax collector, and Antonio Rodrigue, member of the planning commission and HARC. The two were remembered with a moment of silence.
With the year winding down, council took care of some housekeeping items. It was noted that three employees, Amy Macalush, Shannon Boyer and Mark Leiby, will shortly complete their probationary periods. Motions were made to approve their employment.Another employee, Aaron Coggiano, had his probationary period extended due to not yet obtaining his CDL. It is anticipated he will complete this by next month.Police businessPolice Chief Rick Weaver asked for approval to proceed with the purchase of the license plate reader and operating system that had previously been approved by council. Council approved the request.ReappoinmentsCouncil reappointed Richard Clemson to the zoning hearing board; Dale Freudenberger to the HARC; and Andrew Kane to the planning commission. It was also noted there are several vacancies to fill due to Rodrigue's passing.Anyone interested in serving should contact the borough at 320 E. Broad St. or by calling 570-668-3444.Other actionCouncil approved two handicap parking spaces, one at 212 Penn St. and one at 231 Cedar St. as well as the proposed changes to the flood plain ordinance.Councilman David Mace advised council that the search for a new director for the ESRC is proceeding and five candidates have been through a preliminary interview process. Mace added they hope to fill the position vacated by Jason Boris as soon as possible.Council approved an agreement with Schuylkill County to administer the 2014 CDBG program. According to borough manager Kevin Steigerwalt, in 2015, new laws will require the county to administer the program and the borough's current consultant is looking to retire. This agreement will allow the borough to transition to the new requirements sooner.Council also intends to reapply to the state as a Community Reinvenstement Improvement Zone. Tamaqua previously applied and was denied for this program, under which state tax increases are redirected directly back to the community.The borough has also formed an authority to oversee the program, which is a requirement for application.Steigerwalt noted the street sweeping program has been discontinued for the remainder of the season and will resume in the spring.Council approved a request from the Tamaqua Chamber of Commerce to hold their annual Santa parade on the evening of Dec. 5 and the annual Ball Drop at the ABC high-rise on New Year's Eve.