Published July 25. 2020 07:37AM
Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue in Palmerton is continuing to offer its regular weekend Mass schedule following all CDC and Diocesan directives during the green phase of response to COVID-19.
Worshippers returning to Mass are asked to call the Rectory Office indicating how many will be attending and Mass you plan to attend.
Seating capacity in this green phase continues to be limited to 160 worshippers at each Mass. Wearing of a mask and safe distancing continues to be asked of all.
The 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass will continue to be live streamed for those not able to attend.
The Sacrament of Confession continues to be offered by appointment only. To schedule a time, call the Rectory Office at 610-826-2335. All other Parish and Diocesan news can be found at:
This weekend the church is celebrating the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time and the readings reflect that a person of wisdom, like Solomon, will seek the reign of God and treasure all that is above. This calls us to be conformed to the image of Christ.
The “Because We Are Catholic” Diocesan campaign continues. To date the parish has made a commitment of over $12,000 to this year’s effort.
St. John Neumann Regional School is planning to open for the first day of 2020-21 school year on Aug. 31 unless the pandemic would cause other educational plans to be made. Confirmation students will begin their sacramental instruction this week by Zoom led by Deacon Girard.
This week the church kicked off the “Good Work” Fundraiser Raffle. Call the rectory office for tickets. Proceeds benefit Sacred Heart Church.
Father Bill continues to ask for prayers, through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek whose cause is under study for possible canonization, that God will bless us with a cure for COVID-19 and restore the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health to our global family.