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Save Carbon County to hold rally Sunday

Members of Save Carbon County, a concerned citizens’ group opposed to the PennEast/UGI pipeline, will celebrate its work to stop the PennEast Pipeline.

Members of Save Carbon County, a concerned citizens’ group opposed to the PennEast/UGI pipeline, will celebrate its work to stop the PennEast Pipeline.

“The Pipeline Blowout” will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday at Big Creek Grange, located on Grange Road, off Pohopoco Drive in Lehighton.

The gathering will include a potluck meal, live music, and speeches to commemorate four long years of the fight against the pipeline.

Attending the gathering will be landowners and other citizens concerned about the impact of the proposed pipeline.

According to organization president, Linda Christman, “The pipeline is a minimum of three years behind schedule. It was originally planned to be operational in 2017 and even PennEast is now acknowledging that work will not begin until 2019.”

The pipeline was introduced to Carbon County in 2014 and Save Carbon County was quickly formed in response.

The group has organized landowners and environmentalists within Carbon County and cooperates with other concerned citizens groups along the pipeline route. Some of its activities include testifying before decision-making bodies, informing the public about the pipeline, and organizing petition and letter-writing drives to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Delaware River Basin Commission.