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A look back: July 20, 1961

The 35th anniversary celebration of the Lehighton Lions Club was held last night, highlighted by honoring Frank L. Kirkendall and Carl Bishop, the only two living charter members, and the installation of officers.

James Mazzitelli was installed as president, succeeding Dr. Clyde R. Graver, while other officers are Ken Kostenbader, first vice president; Howard Huegel, second vice president; Carl Ackerman, third vice president; John Wehr, secretary; Dr. John L. Bond, treasurer; Richard Trainer, lion tamer; Loren Bisbing, tail twister; and Malcolm Arner, Dr. Edmund Knesvitch, Irvin Levine and Robert Moyer, directors.

Kirkendall was also recognized for not having missed a meeting of the club in 35 years.