Palmerton board weighs multiple plans for education
Multiple options await Palmerton Area School District families under a proposed reopening plan posted to the district’s website Wednesday afternoon.
The plan still has to be approved by Palmerton’s school board before becoming finalized. Under the green phase, which Carbon County is currently in, live instruction by Palmerton teachers would be the district’s primary instructional method at all grade levels.
“It is the belief of the administration that in addition to the benefit of direct instruction from PASD teachers, students will also benefit from the social aspects of returning to school,” the plan states. “Peer interaction and positive peer relationships are critical for healthy social emotional development in students.”
If uncomfortable with the traditional classroom setting, however, parents would be able to have their child participate in virtual learning through live instruction with a teacher. Students would be enrolled in their school and assigned to a PASD teacher just as they would be if they were in the actual face-to-face school setting.
“Students will be able to see and hear their teacher(s) conduct instruction and participate in lessons just as they would if they were physically in the classroom,” the plan states.
A third option provides a hybrid of face-to-face and virtual instruction, while a fourth is a Blue Bombers Cyber Academy, which would be “at-home, asynchronous/non-live instruction, provided by non-PASD instructors.”
Parents of special education students are strongly encouraged to continue in-person instruction as listed in their child’s individualized education program.
During a school board workshop last week, Superintendent Dr. Jodi Frankelli said, “our number one goal is to put in place a plan that allows students to return to school for the start of the year. Through our surveys, parents have told us that is what they want to see and it is what we want to see. Getting them back in the classroom is our absolute top priority, and we need to be doing it in the safest way possible.”
Masks would be required for all staff and students. Face shields will be provided for all teachers, paraprofessionals and other employees upon request. Students are expected to bring their own mask to school every day.
Prior to leaving home, students and staff members would be required to take their temperature. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or greater and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not report to school/work and should contact his/her health care provider.
“Anyone showing signs of illness will be quarantined and sent home immediately,” the plan states. “If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed, the state Department of Health will provide guidance related to contact tracing, testing, quarantine, etc. This may result in a change to the instructional method, classroom/school closure, and/or a transition to online learning.”
The district plans to implement alternate meal serving methods and utilize additional spaces to promote social distancing during breakfast and lunches. In accordance with Gov. Tom Wolf’s orders, students will be at least 6 feet apart while eating.
Palmerton does plan to provide bus transportation, but students would be required to wear masks while riding. The maximum number of students on the bus has been decreased from 72 students to 48 students. Walking to school and parent drop-off/pick-up are encouraged.
“Tape will be used to put an “X” on each seat to indicate where students are required to sit,” according to the plan. “An assigned seating chart will be created on each bus. Bus drivers will be required to wear face shields and/or masks when students enter, ride, and exit the bus.”
Nonessential visitors and volunteers would not be allowed to enter the school building. Essential visitors should schedule an appointment, and will be required to wear a face covering and complete a COVID-19 questionnaire upon entry.
The full 54-page reopening plan is available at
Comments on the plan can be sent to the district at
The district is hoping to get as much feedback on the plan as possible before the board votes on it. That could happen at Tuesday’s board meeting.
“We want everyone’s comments,” Frankelli said last week. “This isn’t something we’re just putting on the website to look at. There may be items that we miss or things that are not as clear as we think.”