Lehighton district excels at PSSA tests
Jonathan Cleaver, director of curriculum, informed Lehighton Area School Board last evening that according to preliminary results that he recently received, "The school district hit every AYP target at every level."
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment also known as PSSA measures how well students have achieved in reading, mathematics, science and writing. By using these standards, educators, parents, and administrators can evaluate their students' strengths and weaknesses to increase students' achievement scores.According to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, students must be 100 percent proficient in reading and math by 2014.PSSA results allow schools and districts to evaluate their students' progress for full proficiency. No Child Left Behind Act requires states to determine annually whether schools and districts in Pennsylvania make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).Once he receives the full results, Cleaver will make a more detailed presentation to the school board at an upcoming meeting.In other business, the school board approved the school lunch prices for the 2011-2012 school year.For breakfast, the costs are $1 for elementary school students, $1.25 for middle and high school students, and $1.50 for staff. The costs for lunch are $1.80 for elementary school students, $2.10 for middle and high school students, and $2.95 for staff. Milk will cost 55 cents.Franklin Township resident Glenn Whiteman addressed the board with a busing concern.Presenting a petition signed by concerned parents, Whiteman asked the school board to consider adding another bus stop on Innsbruck Drive.Currently, students who live on this street must walk or be driven eight-tenths of a mile to a bus stop, which Whiteman claims to be dangerous.He contends that adding another stop on Innsbruck Drive at the cul-de-sac would help improve safety for the students. Whiteman's children are not affected by this issue, as they do not ride the bus.Also under the courtesy to the floor portion of the meeting, president of Lehighton Takedown Club Fred Kemmerer discussed the fundraising efforts of the organization - specifically, the inaugural Dodge ball Competition which took place in June. All proceeds benefited the middle and high school wrestling teams.He thanked the school board for its past support and asked for that cooperation to continue.Later in the meeting, the school board approved the use of the high school gymnasium, wrestling room and refreshment stand for the Lehighton Takedown Club Wrestling Camp on Sunday, July 31.School board member Tina Dowd reported that Lehighton Memorial Library has received a grant for its roof. Work is scheduled to take place next month with no expected disruptions during the hours that the library is open to the public.Dave Krause, president of the school board, commended LAHS Principal Tim Tkach for his efforts with the Community Drug and Alcohol Task Force.Of the attendance at these meetings, Krause said, "It's great to see the momentum continue."At last week's task force meeting, those in attendance were divided into three subcommittees - parents, school representatives, and community organizations/agencies. During the breakout session, each group was charged to discuss specific problems, proposed solutions, and possible financial assistance ideas to help the Lehighton Drug and Alcohol Initiative.The task force will meet again on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6:30 p.m. at LAHS Auditorium to continue the discussions. All community adults are invited and encouraged to attend and become involved, as well as community agencies, churches, and other organizations.The next meeting of Lehighton Area School Board is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 22, at 7 p.m. at the LASD Administration Building, Conference Room A.The public is invited and encouraged to attend.For more information about LASD, visit