Planning continues for Slatington's 150th anniversary celebration
Jonathan Jakum, who designed the logo for the Slatington anniversary celebration, attended the May 20 meeting of the anniversary committee. He said he chose the design to showcase elements of the community. He wanted something simple so it could be printed on anniversary items.
A certificate was presented to him.An ad campaign such as that used in 1989 for the 125th anniversary is planned. Prices will depend on how many will fit on a page.In the parade report Sharon Hartman said all charter members will lead the parade. The Grand Marshal in 1989 was the oldest resident of Slatington. Another suggestion was a fireman on a float with a baby. Other ideas should be brought to the next meeting.Charter memberships are for organizations that contribute to planning by having a representative attend committee meetings and that will commit to co-host a fundraiser. For information about charter memberships call 610-573-8044.Anyone who would like to help but not as a charter may volunteer in any capacity.The high school band receives a donation for participation and the Hobo Band is expected to participate.Slate souvenirs will have the logo printed in black and white. Ted Kistler said it could be printed in color but is very expensive. Mugs are being priced.Co-chair Christy Haydt said anything they make as souvenirs he is planning to buy.Robert Stettner is getting prices for printing a book.A woman has offered to donate a woman's dress from 1964. The committee wants old costumes for the parade and to display in a library window.A book of mostly newspaper clippings by Bill Leickel is being considered for reprinting but copyrights on the material have to be looked into.Kistler said the historical society had every issue of the Slatington News. Co-chair Ed Bechtel suggested gathering memories from each business in town.The borough will create a Sesquicentennial Committee which offers insurance under the borough policy.Haydt said they needed a kickoff event. Various dates were discussed but none has been set. Charter members would receive their certificates at that time.It was agreed Victory Park should be cleaned up, but the newest park by the covered bridge over Trout Creek provides the largest space, said Kistler. The new trailhead was mentioned but is too small. A pig roast will be held at the kickoff.Danny Phillips, who goes by the name David Price for his music, wrote a song, "The Road Home," for the anniversary. He said he was raised in Cementon but Slatington will always be his home. He will donate copies of the song on CDs that can be sold at no cost to the committee.He auditioned the song and it was met with enthusiasm.Committee meetings are held every first and third Monday at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. They are held in the Vigilant Fire Company hall.