Published June 13. 2020 07:22AM
S&O Computers LLC in Summit Hill is asking people to fill out surveys about technology during the pandemic.
The company wants to know about people’s experiences with technology, working from home, or home schooling.
John Shemansik, president of the company, said, “During the craziness, we saw firsthand that there was a shortage of devices, complications with software, and lack of training. Our first goal is to help the people on the local school boards find affordable options to be prepared for the fall and to enhance our children’s education. Secondly, we want to open a conversation and help businesses that had technical problems during COVID-19.”
Surveys are available at:
The survey will end on June 29.
Leave your name and contact information on a separate form, but no names are required for the survey.
S&O Computers LLC has been a strong leader providing services and solutions to businesses and supporting the good people of the area in their IT adventures.