Culvert, bridge work begins today
Progress for replacing the Lower Middle Creek culvert and bridge may well be in evidence this week in Polk Township as the contractor wants to start today, reported supervisor Chairman Brian K. Ahner. Discussion as to whether a poured-in place-footer or a precast footer should be used ensued. After considering the merits and demerits of both the 3-0 vote was to spend $4,600 additional funds to use the poured-in-place.
In regard to the bridge, the township engineer reported that PennDOT approval has been received.The Middle Creek area was in other township business as the township has installed three pipes there and when the Middlecreek Church was vandalized with graffiti, township signs were also involved.The act is senseless in the eyes of many and the cost just an extra township burden in terms of time spent cleaning the signs able to be cleaned and funds needed to be used for that and/or replacement signs.Recycling continues to do well, bringing in about $8,000 recently, but the cost of the total operation has also gone up."We really need to review the program," said Chairman Ahner as he and Secretary Nancy C. May detailed some those involved costs.A return to the E-911 issue has has several folks saying they don't want to participate in the street sign program. They must then sign a document that they release the township, the fire company, ambulance service, etc, from any liability.Information about the required signage is available at the township. Country Junction, Cramers and Jekers will be carrying the required signage items by mid-July.Information about the burning ordinance is also available at the township.It is burning that goes on at a neighbor's location that brought Joe and Carol Heppa, with pictures of that burning and what is being burned to the supervisors meeting. The pictures were presented to the board along with the report that the fire company had to come and douse the fire that burned reportedly all night.The fire company has had 102 calls YTD reported Chief Terry Jacobi.Several plans were approved on a 3-0 vote. The first was the Wackermann lot joinder plan in Robin Hood Lakes. That approval came with the condition that a bearing on the plan be corrected.The Thomas V. Garr lot joinder in Robin Hood Lake was given final approval and after some discussion the 90-day extension request for the Vernon L. Frable subdivision plan was also approved.A conversation between the township solicitor and the sewage enforcement officer in regard to two trailers located on the planned Pine Crest subdivision location had the supervisors agreeing that the trailers should be removed now.A requested time extension for the Pine Crest subdivision final plan submission was given a 3-0 vote. A proposed solar ordinance has been tabled until the next meeting.Supervisor May announced that the next Crime Watch meeting will be held on Aug. 3. Said meetings generally include a state Trooper and several development representatives. Any township resident is welcome. Sharing information and camaraderie are among the assets of such meetings.Chairman Ahner, as vice chairman for the upcoming event, reminded all that Monroe County Youth Field Day enrollment is now being accepted. The outdoor educational event is set for Sept. 10.As of July 25, 120 youth have signed up for the free educational day being held at Camp Trexler. Fliers are available in the township office or one can visit the MCYFD website.