Bids opened for various projects
Bids for projects in East Union and West Union townships were opened by the Schuylkill County Commissioners at their work session held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville.
Eight bids were received for a storm water improvement project on First Street, Oneida, East Union Township. The bidders were: Biros Utilitis Inc, Sheppton, $68,321.25; Penn Earthworks Inc., Hazle Township,$99,859; Barletta Materials Inc., Tamaqua, $126,929; Mazzuca Enterprises Inc., Pottsville, $130,479; Wexcon Inc., Mohsville, $138,923; Arthur "Pat" Aungst Inc., Pine Grove, $164,214.25; and Schuylkill Paving Inc., Schuylkill Haven, $207,165.Three bids were received for placing accessible handicap ramps and path to the rest room at the West Penn Township Public Park. Bidders were, Spotts Brothers Inc., Schuylkill Haven, $30,993 base bid, alternate one, $2,426; alternate two, $1,552; Reading Materials Inc., Skippack, $43,173.30, base bid, alternate one, $3,542.50, alternative two, $1,462.50; and Bill Davis Cement Contractors, Mahanoy City, base bid, $54,174.55, first alternate, $6,318, second alternate, $2,808.One bid was received to provide uniforms for employees in the county prison, First Precinct Uniforms Inc., Reading, $38,010.46.Four bids were received for the Pine Grove Township recreation center handicap accessibility program. Bidders were, Arthur "Pat" Aungst, Pine Grove, $13,374.50; Spotts Brothers Inc., Schuylkill Haven, $20,738; Bill David Cement Contractors, Mahanoy City, $28,141.65; and Reading Materials Inc., Skippack, $39,459.90.Three bids were received for installing accessibilities for handicaps at the Mount Pleasant Fire Company recreation area in Foster Township. Bidders were, Bill Davis Cement Contractors, Mahanoy City,base bid, $61,221.80, alternate, $4,050; Spotts Brothers Inc., Schuylkill Haven, base bid $71,970, alternatives,$2,415, and $12,440; Reading Materials Inc., Skippack, base bid, $87,129.55; alternative, $14,745.Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier announced the bids will be reviewed and contracts awarded at a future public meeting.9-1-1 ProjectScott D. Krater, director of the Office of Public Safety, Emergency 9-1-1, reported work is expected to be completed by late November or early December in updating the radio alert system which serves police and firemen throughout the county.He reported antennas and lines have been installed at six sites in various parts of the county. The remaining five sites are being scheduled for installation.He reported the system optimization will begin later this month and coverage testing will then be conducted throughout the county to measure system performance.Paul Buber, county fiscal officer, reported the full cost of the update project is $16,388,145 and is being done by Motorola Company and to date $11,286,136 has been spent.Election preparationElection Director Frannie Brennan reported she needs 10 drivers to deliver the electronic voting machines to the 129 polling places over the weekend prior to the election on Nov. 5 and will also need for the commissioners to hire six people for the computing board which will make the official count of the votes to be cast in the general election.The commissioners will take action on filling the request at next Wednesday's public meeting. They did give approval to changing a polling place in the borough of Mechanicsville from Lessie's Garden Greenhouse, 2 Park St., to Womer's building, 921 Pottsville St., which was formerly the Mechanicsville Fire Company engine house.The commissioners reviewed proposed contracts for projects at the county prison and for cleaning the courthouse and recommendation of hiring Matthew Frey, New Ringgold, as a deputy coroner and investigator, which will be acted on at the public meeting next week.