Weeds, high grass causing headaches for Lansford resident
Weeds and grass are growing fast during this hot, humid summer, and that's causing headaches for Lansford.
The borough closed its code enforcement office in May to cut costs, and handed police the job of dealing with property owners who fail to keep their yards under control.John Williams, of 238 E. Ridge Street visited a borough council meeting on Wednesday to ask what the borough could do to persuade a neighbor to cut the weeds that are so thick and high they have begun to stain the siding of his house.Williams filed complaints as far back as June, but nothing has been done, he said. The house in question once belonged to Panther Valley School District Superintendent Dr. Richard Miller. It is in back of Williams' property and fronts East Patterson Street.The house is right on the borough;'s main thoroughfare, so that when people visit, "that's their first impression of Lansford," he said.Williams brought pictures of the house, which he said is occupied, for council to see. The weeds are so bad they cover the sidewalk, he said.Council president Rose Mary Cannon said she would bring the situation to the attention of the police department.Council also heard from resident Martin Ditsky, of 330 1/2 E. Abbott St., who was concerned that his neighbor is storing tires inside the vacant house, and may have poured flammable liquid on the ground.Councilwoman Mary Kruczek told Ditsky that borough code regulates the condition of the exteriors of properties, but that it has no control over what people keep inside their homes.Councilman Tommy Vadyak said the flammable liquid matter is one that should be taken to the state Department of Environmental Protection.Ditsky also asked when Mayor Ron Hood would resume attending public council meetings. Hood stopped attending the meetings several months ago to protest infighting by council members.Cannon said Hood is not required to attend the meetings.Council also heard from Richard Pavlick of West Abbott St., who said the Lansford-Coaldale Joint Water Authority was improperly digging into streets. Irene Hudasky of 427 E. Patterson St. asked whether she or council should contact the state Department of Transportation about a loose manhole cover. Cannon said council would handle that.In other matters, council accepted Parks and Recreation Board member Marie Ondrus' decision to rescind her resignation, and voted to place her back on the board.Council also denied the American Hose Co. No. 1 request to have a "boot drop" fundraiser at Springgarden and Patterson streets on Aug. 25. Council denied the request because such activity is prohibited on state highways. It had previously denied a similar request by the borough ambulance corps.