Franklin Township new recycling project off to a good start
Franklin Township supervisors on Tuesday night opened the meeting on a good note. Secretary Sandra Gaumer read a letter from a resident commending supervisors for their commitment to recycling.
Dan Fogel wrote that he would be willing "to pay to recycle rather than pay to put it in a landfill.""We've gotten a lot of comments about the recycling and many say they are happier that they are allowed to mix items," said Rod Green, chairman. "We're getting a better response."In other solid waste business, supervisors opened bids for landfill/transfer station services. After reviewing the bids, supervisors voted to hire McAuliffe Hauling and Recycling Services, doing business as Advance Disposal Services of Walnutport. Although McAuliffe was not the low bidder, supervisors said they selected McAuliffe because it is the closest location."We took into consideration the cost of wear and tear on the equipment, cost of labor and cost of fuel to award the bid to McAuliffe.Supervisors noted that presenting they are paying $71 a ton to Environ Awareness Corp., doing business as Tamaqua Transfer. The present contract will pay $67 for one year, $66.75 for two years, $68.50 for three years, $69.25 for four years and $70 for five years.A Lehighton man noted that he is seeking to learn the ownership of the Jacob Weiss Cemetery. He said that he and a group of other people want to take responsibility for maintaining the cemetery. He noted that trees have grown up between the tombstones and that the area has toppled stones.Supervisors suggested that he search court house records to determine ownership.Supervisors also approved the service agreement with Solomon Container Service to provide orange bins to accept recycling material from township residents. Chairman Rod Green noted that the service is being provided by Solomon at no cost to the township. The bins accept all sorts of plastic, paper, cardboard and metal, but no contaminated paper such as pizza boxes, paper plates or paper toweling.Supervisors also approved the Junkyard Permit Application of Joseph W. Zaprazny and agreed to Zaprazny's request to transfer the Levin's Junkyard license to Zaprazny.Carl Faust, zoning officer said that he is involved in four complaints and was seeking the board's approval to send letters of violation to two of them.Supervisors asked him to forward a sample letter to the township solicitor for review before mailing them out.Faust said that several of the complaints were lodged against properties in the Union Hill area of the township.Franklin Supervisors will be opening bids for road materials at the township meeting on May 21.Supervisors are also seeking part time seasonal help for the road crew and grass mowing. Anyone interested should contact the township municipal building.