Published May 22. 2020 11:56AM
Hawk Mountain isn’t letting a global pandemic get in the way of educating visitors and bird enthusiasts.
The sanctuary is hosting free webinars and will then post the virtual programs on its YouTube channel; as well as an art contest for children. Webinars are held through Zoom. Registration is open for the virtual programs.
Upcoming virtual programs include:
• Farmland Raptors: 4 p.m. on May 29.
• Voyages of the Snowy Owl: 4 p.m. on June 5.
Home Discovery Series
Targeted for students of all ages and interested learners, the sanctuary’s Home Discovery Series will be held every Wednesday at 1 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Most of these programs will be about 30 minutes, depending on the topic, and will include a question and answer component from the audience.
• Raptors Up Close: Owls Online: May 27.
• Creature Feature: Slithering Snakes: June 3.
For more information on these virtual programs and Home Discovery Series or to register, visit
Benefit for Birds Gala
In addition to virtual programs, the sanctuary is hosting a different kind of Benefit for Birds Gala. An online-only silent auction will take place from June 1 through June 30.
For more information on the online auction, visit