West End news for May 20, 2020
Eldred meeting
Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Eldred Township Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission meetings will be virtual meetings, including tonight’s supervisors meeting and Thursday’s Planning Commission meeting which is at 7 p.m.
Public participation is encouraged. Township residents can join the meetings on Microsoft teams or phone in and listen to, and comment, during the meetings. The log-in/phone-in instructions are on the township’s website: www.eldredtwp.org.
When choosing the link, either download the teams software or join on the web.
The agenda for both meeting will be on the website by Monday along with all the other relevant documents, except the financial reports, which will be prepared on Tuesday and uploaded Wednesday morning.
Effort pantry
The SFRC food pantry at Effort UMC is continuing to serve families in need. However, it is a drive-in-situation and folks are reminded to follow the direction of the parking coordinators and not get out of the car as food will be brought to the vehicle.
The pantry is slated to be open, following the above information, from 10 a.m. to noon this Saturday.
Those wanting to help in helping others can donate packaged foods such as macaroni & cheese and ramen noodles.
All donations may be dropped off at the church, but it is suggested to call first to ensure someone is there to receive the donation.
The number is 570-629-1890.
Sermon posted
Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, Brodheadsville, which offers a blended contemporary worship service, will post its sermon on the church’s website, pleasantvalleypresbyterian.org, every Sunday morning.
Effort UMC
Church activities, at this point, are canceled through June 4. However, the Sunday service will once again be on the church website, effortumc.org, and on YouTube. The link for YouTube can be found on the website. All services will be available after 8 a.m. on Sunday morning.
The church is requesting that families who have someone in the church family graduating from high school, college, or is receiving a graduate degree or a certification, from a specialized course work program, contact the church office by June 7, so that accomplishment can be celebrated at an upcoming service in June.
Youth honored
Our Lady Queen of Peace honored two of its Pleasant Valley High School seniors this past Sunday, Matthew Kreciewski and Rebecca Makrides.
Matthew will be attending Franciscan University of Steubenville and Rebecca, St. Joseph’s University.
Schedule now
The next American Red Cross blood drive anywhere near the West End that is accepting appointments is one at the Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg on June 3.
Schedule online or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Scholarship deadline
The Western Pocono Women’s Club & Jacqueline Sue Coleman Memorial scholarships valued at $500 each are available to qualifying PV Seniors
The deadline to submit applications for either of the two scholarships has been extended to May 25.
If you have a Pleasant Valley High School Senior or know of someone who would like to apply, contact Donna Coleman at 570-236-4956 for more information.
Polk Fire Company
The Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company Chief Billy Tippett reports that the volunteers responded to 15 emergencies in April. Two of those calls were in Towamensing Township.
As of Monday past, the volunteers have already responded to 11 calls this month, bringing the yearly total to 87.
The volunteers have not been able to train due to the pandemic nor have any fundraiser events been able to be held.
The fire company’s annual membership mailing has gone out and the volunteers have to rely on those incoming donations more than ever in light of the lack of fundraisers.
Hoagie sale
McMichaels United Methodist Church is having a hoagie sale, with various kinds offered. Orders are due by May 29 to Pastor Ed at 610-597-1030. Orders can be picked up curbside at the church, right off Route 715 in McMichaels on White Church Road, on June 5.
Election time
The West End Democratic Association and the West End GOP remind voters that the Pennsylvania primary election is now on June 2 due to COVID-19.
Registered voters who have signed up for either a mail-in or absentee ballot do not need to file new applications despite the change in the primary election date.
Drive-in Service
Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church, Brodheadsville, anticipates beginning at drive-in service on June 7.
The church asks that folks will let them know if they would like to attend or serve during the service by clicking on the link https://pvag.breezechms.com/form/39d89e
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.