TASD to change West Penn bus runs
The Tamaqua Area School District will make changes to a few rural school bus runs but the net effect will not result in cost savings.
According to details reviewed at Tuesday's school board finance committee meeting, bus No. 35's afternoon West Penn Elementary School run will be eliminated, with stops added to busses 16, 28 and 38."We'll eliminate a bus run in West Penn," said Connie Ligenza, business manager. "The stops have been reallocated."According to Carol Makuta, superintendent, the change is necessary because the bus in question was running late.Board President Larry Wittig inquired about potential financial ramifications of the change. "There won't be a savings because the other bus would absorb the mileage," he asked.That was exactly the case, said Makuta."It's costing the same," she answered. "We're not eliminating a bus, but changing runs."In other activity, Ligenza noted that the district's fund balance stands at $9.6M."Collections have put us ahead of last year by $97,000," Ligenza explained.Ligenza also reported on GASB45, part of a government mandate for districts to divulge their net obligation for post retirement health care expenses. The committee also agreed to recommend that the board authorize placing the 2011 delinquent tax accounts with Portnoff Law Associates, Ltd., and delinquent assessed occupation and per capita taxes with Powell, Rodgers and Speaks.The board also will recommend authorizing the business manager to purchase a salt spreader not to exceed $7,000; replacement of a Trane 3 slide valve piston and fan upgrade for the Tamaqua Area Middle School for $4,482; and authorize payment from the capital reserve fund to the McClure Company of $164,516.In other activition, the auxiliary committee will recommend the appointment of Michael Hromyak, athletic director, to serve as a non-elected representative to the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission for a three-year term effective Dec. 31. Makuta noted that Hromyak was not in attendance at Tuesday's meeting due to attending the first home girls' basketball game.The education committee will recommend to place a resolution on the agenda of the board meeting to adopt a draft of the 2012-13 school year. In addition, the committee will ask for approval of two students for homebound instruction.Makuta also announced that the district invited local dignitaries to be on hand for Friday's free-to-the-public performance of Silk Road, Flower Rain, a world-class presentation featuring a troupe of 50 Chinese nationals. The dance drama is being brought to Tamaqua through the efforts of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the U.S., World Artists Experiences, and the school district.One of the key coordinators of the performance is Tamaqua Area High School alumnus June Krell-Salgado, cultural affairs director at the University of Salisbury in Salisburg, Md. The much-heralded, six-act extravaganza from the world's most populous nation will take the stage at the Tamaqua Area Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16.