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Officials appointed to transportation board

Area officials have been appointed to the Susquehanna Regional Transportation Partnership nonprofit board that oversees the region's 13-county commuter alternatives program. They are:

• David Bekisz, executive director of Schuylkill Transit System. He is a resident of Shenandoah, Schuylkill County.• David Bodnar, director of Carbon County Office of Planning & Development. He is a resident of Banks Township, Carbon County.• Kathy Henderson, director of economic development for Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Corporation. She is a resident of East Penn Township, Carbon County.• Peggy Howarth, executive director of Monroe County Transportation Authority. She is a resident of Effort, Monroe County.• Christine Meinhart-Fritz, director of Monroe County Planning Commission. She is a resident of Towamensing Township, Carbon County.Commuter Services of Pennsylvania works with employers and commuters to encourage a variety of commuting options including biking, taking transit, carpooling, walking, van pooling or telecommuting.Connect with Commuter Services on Facebook (www.facebook.com/CommuterServicesPA) and on Twitter (twitter.com/SaveOnCommutePA).