Chestnuthill Township to move forward with Phase I of the West End Regional Park
The Chestnuthill Township board of supervisors approved, 3-0, an agreement to commence construction of Phase I of the West End Regional Park.
Chestnuthill Twp. acquired a 243-acre tract of land from Frank and Nettie Romascavage Nov. 9, 2001 for the purpose of establishing the West End Regional Park. In 2006, the West End Park and Open Space Commission (WEPOSC) was formed to set forth an Intergovernmental Agreement and Bylaws for the park. It applied for and received a grant from Community Conservation Partnerships Program which is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) in the amount of $65,000 to complete and construct Phase I in October of 2010. It received a letter April 17, 2012 for conditional approval to proceed with construction of a pavilion, 20-space parking lot and 1 -1 1/2 mile walking trail.In other business, the board approved, 3-0:*$150 donation to the Pleasant Valley High School Chemical Free Graduation Party (part of budgeted allotment)*$250 donation to the Brodhead Watershed Association (part of budgeted allotment)*an affidavit regarding Steve and Tammy Gower's 21 plus acres to Agricultural Security Area*authorizing to bid road paving project*authorizing staff to advertise for bids for a band shell and upgrades to the kitchen at the Chestnuthill Township Municipal Park. Park director Bernie Kozen said that as more programs and concerts are being held at the park, it would be nice to have either a band shell or raised stage. As for the kitchen, he says that as the park building is being rented out more to the public, a more industrial kitchen area would be better.Resident Leon Clark asked where the funds for these items would come from and township manager Albright said that there was $45,000 in the park account.Resident Stuart Thody asked if some other kind of cleaning solution could be used to clean the park building because of its choking smell. Kozen told him that the solution has been changed.Kozen gave a park report saying: 23 bags of garbage was picked up at the park; 30 kids attended the Mother's Day craft day; 50 kids attended the Western Pocono Women's Club's Safety Fair; there will be a Free Dog Training event on Saturday, June 16 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. with Deb Galan-Parsons, an AKC evaluator; Free Concert in the Park featuring Leigh Lombardo-Cole and Chris Eckert, June 24, 6 p.m.; and there are still fly fishing permits available. Contact Kozen at 570-992-9733 or for more information.The board picked a hearing date of Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. to amend sidewalk, burning, park and lot line adjustment ordinances. Supervisor Chairman Chuck Gould said there was currently nothing in the sidewalk ordinance about maintaining and repairing them. The current burning ordinance does not address the no burning of solid waste. The board would like to look at adding to the Park Ordinance issues about fire arms possession and look at the rules and regulations for both the Chestnuthill Township Park and the West End Regional Park. They also would like to look for a way to make lot line adjustments for land adjoinments easier.Chestnuthill Twp. supervisors tabled a request, until further study, from Nathan Clymer of Pergmann Associates for three waivers on the land development plan for an Auto Zone Store that is being proposed to be built at the former Rt. 209 Brodheadsville site of Mike's Pizza, Chocolateers and New Winner, a building that was destroyed by a fire in November of 2008. The property is owned by Nicolas and SherryThe board gave final approval for a minor subdivision of property owned by Russell and Denise Gould on Frantz Road, with a vote of 2-0. Supervisor Chairman Gould abstained because the owners are relatives.Resident Nancy Christman asked if the township was doing a film documentary to which Supervisor Chairman replied, "Not to my knowledge." Mrs. Christman stated that "I did not give permission to the gentleman who is filming the meeting to film me, which he just did," she said, referring to resident Leon Clark. "Is this legal?"Township solicitor Joseph McDonald stated that it was allowable.Rita Lacey of Close the Loop sent a thank-you letter to Chestnuthill Township for all its help at the Give and Take Day held in April. She said that over 4,000 pounds of items were kept out of landfills because of it and Dave Albright, Chestnuthill Twp. manager said it was a very successful event.The West End Relay For Life sent a thank-you letter to the township for its assistance at the weekend event of June 2.It was noted in the minutes of the advertised special meeting of the supervisors on May 14 that the board conditionally approved the land development plan for a Jack Williams Tire and Auto Service store, subject to satisfactorily receiving any outside agency approvals and an outstanding engineering and attorney fees.The next Chestnuthill Township Historical Society meeting will be on Wednesday, June 20, 7 p.m. at the Chestnuthill Twp. Park building.There will be a Chestnuthill Twp. 250th Anniversary meeting on Thursday, June 21 at 7 p.m. at the Chestnuthill Twp. municipal building.