How did we arrive here?
There are multiple reasons for our current state of affairs. Foremost is DISINFORMATION. Plato once said, “If something is truly known forever, it cannot turn out to be false tomorrow.” For the past 90 years trust has been twisted by forces to destroy our Constitution. In the 1920s it was the communist international and presidential candidates Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas who ran multiple times on the Socialist ticket.
The Communist influence slowly moved along through the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s. We paid little attention and even maligned those who attempted to expose their devious lies. In the 1960s the communist cult began to accelerate with the arrival of a Hungarian benefactor. The Democratic Party was seen to be more vulnerable.
There was rioting at the 1968 convention in Chicago. The leaders, called the Chicago Seven, were tried in court. They made a mockery of the trial and later one was even elected to Congress in California. He later married “Hanoi Jane.”
Communist disinformation continued to persist through the 1970s and our economy was suffering from persistent inflation (this led us to the great mistake of trade with China). The disinformation and compliance with it led to the amnesty given to millions of illegal aliens in exchange with Congress to build a wall on our southern border. That hasn’t worked well.
Through the ’90s the so-called liberal philosophy sped up, aided by presidents from both parties. President Clinton was correct when he said, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Into the new century, the communist doctrine grew and began to take hold. Although President Obama stated on many occasions that he was not a socialist or a communist, we can see his philosophy much more clearly now. To his credit he did say, when running for office, that he would make this country like all the others. His policies sharply put us on the slide into communism. He said things would become more expensive. … Inflation SKYROCKETED.
We currently have a man as president who is fighting a steep uphill battle against the Marxist disinformation of the past 90 years. He didn’t need nor does he deserve the “flak” from the Marxist-influenced media, educational institutions or the massive “swamp” from all parties.
Can we survive? What happens to the world if we don’t?
Nos Drovia, Comrades!
Walt Fagan
Jim Thorpe