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Response to letter on Lehighton school board candidates

Dear Editor,

Rebuttal to letter published April 4. Their statements in quotes.

“Mr. Bradley voted no on hiring much-needed substitutes.”

Nine votes on substitutes since Feb. 18. He voted 7 yes, 1 no, 1 out of room.

“Christman fields were debated for several months before finally being approved for transfer of the fields to Franklin Township where all children will benefit.”

All benefited for previous 39 years. Nothing changed.

“Mr. Bradley continues to file lawsuits against individuals on the board as well as administration”

Lawsuits withdrawn in December. No new ones filed.

“Unfortunately, the three new members (Gail Maholick, Joy Beers and David Bradley) ran on campaigns to entice the community into thinking they would help eliminate school property tax tied to the referendum vote on the Homestead Act.”

They supported the referendum.

“The lack of interest by them is displayed during certain presentations, exiting meetings to get a drink, and laughing and disrespect have become the norm at meetings.”

Which presentations? Since I was not out there I cannot comment on what they were doing once they left the room. Much of the laughing and disrespect is provided by the teachers, former board members and administrators. I am there. I hear and see it.

“For the fifth row in a year, there will be no tax increase for school taxes in the district.”

Because taxes were raised when there was a surplus to the point of being able to pay $6.5 million cash for the new stadium and leaving such a large fund balance as to be able to use it to balance the budget each year. We spend more each year then we take in. Fact.

“We are very aware that many people did not want the new elementary center, athletic stadium and renovations for the middle school and high school.”

You are aware now since you got rejected in the last election. Were you really aware then? I don’t think many had issues with renovations, but have no way of knowing for sure.

“Everyone has a right to their own opinion on this subject, but the facts do not lie. The renovations at the middle school and high school have saved us, the taxpayers, 50 percent (middle school) in electricity.”

Fifty percent savings on electric while adding air conditioning to the middle school? I think not.

“Presently, the center is seeing a $1.5 million consolidated savings, which has enabled the district to stabilize and have no tax increases.”

The lack of tax increase is due to the sizable fund balance being used to balance the budget.

“So, we ask you, what type of district and board members do YOU want representing Lehighton Area School District?”

I want board members who are honest and inclusive. Ones who understand that the community is the ones who pay the bills and should have a voice. Ones who understand who put those board members in office. I want board members who are accountable for their actions. Board members who understand and take their responsibilities seriously.

“We firmly believe in authentic transparency and public participation.”

Since when? It was not in evidence prior to your being voted off.

“We also know the new members believe in public participation and push for transparency. However, they have never confirmed what specifics they look for in transparency”

Perhaps you should read the minutes. The answers are in there.

“So please be mindful of who you vote for in May and be knowledgeable of those candidates who align with Mr. Bradley, Ms. Beers, and Ms. Maholick. They are looking to lower high school standards and cut programs for students, as well as staff. If you don’t believe us, take the time to read the finance minutes from Nov. 12, 2018, where Mr. Bradley asks the business manager, ‘How can we get rid of more staff?’ ”

I have read those minutes. Are we also to take Ms. Spinelli at her word when she states, “She has no plan, she’s stupid, she is a stooge and she is a puppet, she can’t read.” I will state once again. We have our own mind and our own voice. We make our own decisions influenced only by what we believe is right and the actual facts. We have the ability to listen to ALL sides and make an informed and considered decision to benefit all, especially the students.

“Let’s not fall into the mistakes made in neighboring districts permitting the loudest voice being the one that is heard and not the most responsible, respectful voice.”

The voices from the audience who are yelling and laughing are the teachers, administrators and former board members. At least one of which has signed this letter. Who’s twisting the facts? Choose and vote wisely.

School board candidate,

Barbara A. Bowes