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Nesquehoning police in compliance on juvenile cases

Nesquehoning police are in full compliance with federal regulations with regard to juvenile cases.

On Wednesday, Nesquehoning Mayor Sam Kitchko reported to borough council that he received a letter from the Pennsylvania Committee of Chief Probation Officers, police liaisons, that the borough police department has "no violations or problems" with regards to juvenile cases that were identified during a recent site visit."Nesquehoning police department appears to be in full compliance with the core protections identified in the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act," Kitchko read. "I commend you for your hard word and dedication toward ensuring juveniles are being handled in a manner that is consistent with federal requirements."You are deemed a secure facility," the letter stated."Basically, it says that the chief and department did a good job with the juveniles that they have to deal with and had in the office," Kitchko told the board.He recommended the letter be placed in the files of Chief Sean Smith and the police department for record.In other police matters, dates are being set up with the mayor, police chief, council president and representatives from the budget and public safety committees to go over costs and the need for a fifth full-time police officer. Council hopes that the group will reach a recommendation on whether to pursue the additional position by its March meeting.Kitchko also reported that for the month of January, the police took in $4,413.53, issued 54 citations, had a total of 543 incidents reported and drove 4,779 miles while on patrol.