Road, sewer issues addressed
The West Penn Township board of supervisors focused mainly on road and sewer issues at Monday evening's meeting at the municipal building.
Street signs are being fixed, pavement is being patched and basic maintenance is continuing on various township roads such as Dairy Road, Rabbit Run and Golf Road. According to the board, however, residents have complained that proper measures are not being taken to fix potholes.Secondly on road concerns, restrictions to the weight of vehicles were approved to be put on the bridge on Water Wheel Road, and penalties will be enforced for violations.Last on regarding roads, quotes were brought in and reviewed for pipe needed in various parts of the township. The board approved the quote from Chemung Supply Corporation for $9,718.76. Although it was the most cost effective decision, the board agreed the company was reliable and would meet their needs.On to sewage-related matters, the Department of Environmental Protection granted an extension until Aug. 31 for the ongoing sewer project to bring public sewage facilities to several communities in the area, but board member Ronald B. Madison, PE anticipates another will be needed, given the current progress.Also addressed was a sewage malfunction at Stonehedge Gardens located at 51 Dairy Rd. Tracy Perry, president of Stonehedge Gardens, said, "We met with the sewage enforcement officer, we figured out what we are going to do and we are in the process of meeting those requirements now."In other business, the board voted to hire on one more part-time police officer.Also, the board approved a payment request for the West Penn Park East for the contractor's work to date in the amount of $52,505.73.Lastly, code enforcement and zoning officers report a total of $459,056 in construction costs.At next month's meeting, the board will discuss reducing the speed limit on Archery Club Road and will continue with such issues as road and sewer concerns.