Published January 22. 2013 05:01PM
A Nesquehoning woman is facing charges of hindering apprehension for incidents involving her son.
Borough police charged Diane Jean McFadden, 53, of 318 E. Catawissa St., in two separate incidents.She is charged in connection with a incident on Jan. 2. On that date the county court signed an order releasing Sean McFadden, 23, from the county jail on furlough to go to a Salvation Army Rehabilitation program in Harrisburg. The order stated when McFadden completed the program, or if he left it or was involuntarily discharged from it, he had to report back to the county prison.Police received information on Jan. 7 that McFadden had been removed from the program as of Jan. 4 and did not report back to the prison.Mrs. McFadden was interviewed by police on that date and admitted picking up her son in Harrisburg and returning him to Nesquehoning but not to the prison and he had been staying with her. He left the home prior to police arrival to interview her. He was later located and placed in the county prison.As a result Officer Timothy Wuttke charged her with one count of hindering apprehension.On Oct. 5, 2012, McFadden was released from the prison for a furlough to enter the Salvation Army program in Altoona. Again he left the program unsuccessfully and returned home. Again his mother knew he should go back to the prison but allowed him to stay with her.In that case she was charged with two counts of hindering apprehension and rendering aid to a fugitive.