Bids to be sought for CDGG projects in three townships
Approval was given by the Schuylkill County Commissioners to seek bids for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) projects in East Union, West Penn, and Pine Grove townships, in action taken at the public meeting held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville.
Gary Bender, the county CDBG director, said the project in East Union Township is replacing 915 feet of pipe on First Street in the village of Oneida for a storm sewer; in West Penn and Pine Grove townships is to install handicap accessible walkways and paths in their parks.Other businessA resolution was adopted endorsing the Pennsylvania Statewide Historic Preservation plan for the period from 2012 to 2017.Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier noted endorsement of this plan will affirm the importance of preservation to the future of Schuylkill County and its contribution to Pennsylvania's character economic vitality, environmental sustainability and quality of life. The Schuylkill County Planning Commission, at its August meeting, recommended to the commissioners to adopt the plan because it is consistent with the Schuylkill County Comprehensive plan.The county received a grant of $50,000 and will match it to upgrade and retrofit the lighting systems in its Human Services and 9-1-1 buildings located on North Centre Street, Pottsville, and its adult probation building located on Third Street in Pottsville. It is part of an agreement with NEPA (North Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance) pertaining to the energy efficient lighting project, which made the county eligible for the ARC grant from the federal government.A contract was awarded to Dallago Backhoe Services, of Marlin, Norwegian Township, in amount of $57,226.323 for storm drainage improvements along East Ogden Street, Girardville. Bender reported this is a 2012 CDBG project.A contract with Schuylkill Community Action, Pottsville, for Bridge Housing services for abused women in amount of $133,471; outreach case management services, $33,603; and project care services at $8,500 retroactive from June 1, to June 30, 2014.Purchase of service agreements were entered on behalf of the Children and Youth Services agency with providers as follows:Safeguards Specialized Foster Care, Reading, for Tier IV at $111.49 per day, Tier III at $140.45 per day and clinical psychological at $275 per day; Hoffman Homes, Gettysburg, $243.76 per day; Open Door, Reading, for transitional foster care at $40.50 per day, specialized foster care, $68 per day, and mother and infant foster care at $94 per day; Adelphoi Village, Latrobe, for treatment and kinship, $151.50 per day, specialized service, $187.80 per day, and sexual offenses treatment. $353.91 per day; Bethany Home, Womelsdorf, for residential treatment at $151.50 per day; supervised independent living, $170 per day, and shelter care, $200 per day; and Hermitage House, Edinboro, for girls supervised at $269 per day.A proclamation was adopted designating the week of Sept. 17 through 23 as "Constitution Week" which asks all citizens to affirm the ideals of the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 by "vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties."A moment of silence was observed at the start of the meeting to remember when the planes 12 years ago on this day plunged into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and the field near Shanksville , Pa. causing death and destruction.Personnel mattersThe commissioners approved appointments and were informed of resignations.Rest Haven Home - Melissa Mengel, Auburn; Carol Sheffield, Pottsville; and Kelsey Krammes, Schuylkill Haven, hired as part time nurses aides at $11.72 per hour; Jennifer Moran, Branchdale, Branch Township, per diem nurse's aide, $13 per hour; and Lori Fick, Pine Grove, per diem registered nurse, $24 per hour. Donna O'Brien, Saint Clair, full time social service director; and Jenny Beach, Pottsville; and Diana Ball, Orwigsburg, full time nurse's aides, resigned.County Prison - Jessica Karrer, Pottsville, hired as a correctional officer at $17 per hour.District Attorney's Office - Jesselyn Heaps, Pottsville, per diem clerk, resigned; and Tanner Noecker, Schuylkill Haven, was hired as an unpaid intern.Sheriff's Office - Joseph Carvajal, Pottsville, named an unpaid intern.Public Defender's Office - Erika Rodrigues, Schuylkill Haven, named an unpaid intern.