Brian Dolena named to Panther Valley board
Panther Valley school directors on Thursday appointed Brian Dolena to serve in place of the late Richard Zabroski.
Dolena, 26, of Summit Hill, was among those nominated to the board by both parties in the May primary election. A Democrat, Dolena will serve in Zabroski's stead until the board reorganizes in early December.Zabroski, 45, a Republican from Nesquehoning, died Aug. 4 in a vehicle accident."I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve Panther Valley and thankful to the board for voting for me. My goal is to be a productive member of the board so I can benefit the education process," Dolena said in an interview after the meeting.In other matters Thursday, director Roy Angst opposed a motion to accept the meeting agenda. Angst outspokenly expressed a concern that refusing to publicly release the meeting agendas until they are approved at the meetings and applying changes at the last minute is in violation of the community's right to know. His concerns were disregarded and the meeting continued without incident.The board also listened to the opinions of several members of the public.Lansford resident Jeanne Knepper addressed the board with her concerns about the renovations to the middle school pool area."In the TIMES NEWS article in July, the article said that the renovation in the pool area would add 11 classrooms, special education facilities, and an administration area. Does that mean we will be adding another building administrator to the district or will we have one principal for seven-12?" Knepper asked the board."Right now we feel that we only need one per building, as we do now," Superintendent Rosemary Porembo responded.Knepper pointed out that the anticipated 300 additional students that the school will be able to accommodate after renovations would require an extra guidance counselor on staff.Porembo responded by assuring her that these issues would most definitely be addressed when they needed to be.Knepper continued her questioning of the board."The brand new facilities that we built five years ago, will they be wasted now, or are we looking at fourth and fifth graders using the science labs, industrial arts classroom and lockers?" she asked."Right now we would be looking at the lockers, we would be looking at breaking down two science labs. Perhaps they can be compartmentalized. We have it in the plan to compartmentalize the lab area for fourth, fifth and sixth graders. This would be in compliance with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) initiative, which is what the Pennsylvania Board of Education suggests and requires," Porembo said.Knepper urged the board to consult with teachers while making major school decisions and suggested that future meetings and meeting topics be advertised better.Nesquehoning resident Theresa Kokinda was next to address the board. She urged it to include teachers, administrators and faculty in making major reconfiguration and construction decisions.The board passed six motions relating to substitute teachers and employees. A motion to add Linda Green and Deborah Schaller to the substitute cafeteria workers list for the 2013-2014 school year, at a current rate of $8 per hour, was passed.The board approved a motion to hire Erin Bonner as a day-to-day short term substitute for third grade effective Sept. 9 through Nov. 20. The board unanimously passed a motion to transfer eighth-grade reading teacher Kerry Uher to the high school English teacher position at the start of the school year.Edward Kocha was unanimously approved as the long-term substitute teacher for eighth-grade reading from Aug. 21 until Jan. 15, 2014. The substitute teacher, nurse, and veteran guest teacher list for the 2013-2014 academic year was approved. Heather Wagner was added as a substitute for grades K-6. The addition of Rebecca Chuma to the 2013-2014 list of substitute instructional aides, at the current rate of $8.80 per hour, was approved unanimously.The board approved sending teachers Melinda Penberth and Tara Yuricheck to two conferences at a total cost of $125.03 each.Also on Thursday, the board:•Approved cafeteria contracts for 2013-2014 with Educare Educational Services, Behavioral Health Associates Inc., and Our Lady of the Angels;• Approved a motion to solicit the presence of either the Nesquehoning or Lehighton acute life support team at Panther Valley football home games at a rate of $65 per event;• Approved the payment of $25 per hour to the athletic trainer to attend any sporting event for which an ambulance could not be available;• Agreed, with two members opposing, to borrow $5.7 million from Janney Montgomery Scott for the upcoming renovations to the middle school pool area. The post-issuance compliance procedure was also approved;• Agreed to buy 100,000 gallons of fuel oil from Jack Rich Inc.;• Approved a revision to the contract rate for teacher mentors from $26 per hour to a $1,025 stipend;• Approved Amanda Kusko as the 100 Book Challenge on-site coordinator for the 2013-2014 school year. She will be paid a stipend of $1,500;• Approved Christopher Kasian as the high school data coordinator for the 2013-2014 school year. He will be paid a contract rate of $625;• Approved a contract with Pro Care Therapy Inc. for the purpose of referring and placing health care professionals within the district. They will supply the district with a teacher for the visually impaired for two days every week at a rate of $83 per hour;• Granted tenure to teachers Michael Brennan, Ashley Kovalovsky, Amber Forster and Heather Wagner;• Transferred Elizabeth Saxon from elementary special education, grades three to five, to elementary life skills at the beginning of the school year;• Granted a voluntary furlough to the following instructional aides: Alicia O'Brien, Lori Beers, Christina Rehrig, Francine Collevechio and Rebecca Chuma;• Transferred Patrick Leonzi from second shift high school custodian to second shift elementary custodian. This transfer occurred because Perry Weaver returned to his prior position after a 30-day trial period.• Approved an educational services agreement between the district and the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21.The school board meets next at 7 p.m. Sept. 26.