Published May 09. 2012 05:02PM
SPORT - Softball
PLAYER - Rachel SiscoSCHOOL - Pleasant ValleyHighlight package - Has been a key contributor to the Bears' current undefeated run through the Mountain Valley Conference, in which they currently stand 10-0. The Bears' third baseman has scored 22 runs, 26 hits and 26 RBIs on the season. She has 10 doubles and three homeruns to add to an impressive .426 batting average (26-for-61).Favorite sports team - Atlanta BravesFavorite athlete - Chipper JonesFavorite subjects in school - AnatomyFavorite sports movie - "A League of their Own"Favorite song - "Springsteen" by Eric ChurchFavorite food - PizzaFuture plans - Plans to attend Montana State University for Nursing.Most memorable high school softball moment - Winning the Mountain Valley Conference championship last year.Quotable - The thing I love most about softball is ... "all my friends."