Thorpe powerlifting team finishes unbeaten
The Jim Thorpe High School Powerlifting Team completed another successful season. The team was undefeated in team competition. In the six competitions, the Olympians captured 98 individual medals, seven best lifter awards and four first place team trophies.
The team's first competition was the USA Powerlifting Stars and Stripes Bench Press and Deadlift Championships held in Clark Summit. Eighteen team members competed with 14 of them winning first place medals. Tom Acker won best lifter award for the deadlift.In January, 13 team members competed at the USA Powerlifting Northeast Regional High School Raw Powerlifting Championships held in Scranton. All team members brought home medals and qualified to compete at nationals in August.In February the team traveled to Emmaus to compete in the 2011 Pennsylvania State Teenage Powerlifting Championships. Twenty-seven team members competed with 15 taking home individual honors. The team captured first place in the small school division. Tom Acker received the best lifter award in the varsity division.In March, the team traveled to Clarks Summit to compete in the 24th Annual Abington Heights Weightlifting Meet. Thirty-two team members competed with 17 individuals receiving individual honors. The team took first place honors. Justin Cannalley won best lifter award in the lightweight division and Tom Acker won best lifter in the heavyweight division.In April, Jim Thorpe hosted six teams in the 8th Annual Olympian Ironman Bench Press/Deadlift Lift-a-thon. Twenty-two members received individual medals. The team captured the first place trophy. Three individuals won best lifters awards. In the deadlift competition, Konnor Herman won the lightweight division and Tom Acker won in the heavyweight division. Justin Cannalley won in the bench press light division.The team finished their season with the
P.S.C.P.A. State High School Championships held at Glen Mills. Twenty-seven team members competed with 17 capturing individual honors. The team earned first place in the small school division.This is the first year the team went undefeated in team competition.