Published October 29. 2013 05:00PM
Mahoning Township police report three citations were issued at DUI checkpoints.
Marissa Fethiere, 20, of Mahoning Township, was stopped on Aug. 23 at a DUI checkpoint on SR209 when officers allegedly smelled marijuana.As a result of the investigation, Fethiere has been charged with possession of a small amount of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, both misdemeanors.Daniel Faille, 25, of Lansford, was arrested Aug. 24 when the vehicle he was in allegedly performed an illegal U-turn upon a curve near the crest of a hill as it approached a DUI checkpoint.As officers approached the vehicle, police said Faille threw a foil marijuana pipe out the passenger window.While being placed under arrest, officers allegedly found a large Ziploc bag of marijuana in his pants pocket. As a result of the investigation, Faille has been charged with tampering with or fabricating evidence, possession of a small amount of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and scattering rubbish.Eran Yakar, 42, of Effort, was stopped on Sept. 20, at a DUI checkpoint on SR209 when officers detected the presence of alcohol. As a result of the investigation Yakar has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of DUI. A blood test showed a BAC of .094.