Chestnuthill column
Needs continue
Over 155 people were impacted when 38 families were served this past Saturday at the Effort UMC's Supplemental Center.Currently needed by the food pantry are: canned fruit and vegetables, tuna, spaghetti sauce and pasta.To donate bring items to the church office during office hours, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.On Wednesdays pantry volunteers are generally present to receive the donations.Rotary speakerWest End Rotary Club will host Dr. Larry Wood from Community Chiropractic Center as speaker on Thursday, July 28. His presentation will focus on Health & Vitality.The club meets for breakfast at 7:30 a.m., at the Western Pocono Community Library.Dr. Wood's mother was a founding member of the West End Rotary Club and its first woman president.Touch of Home meetsA regular meeting of Operation: Touch of Home will be held at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 2, at the American Legion Post Home in Gilbert.For more information about this support group for our troops call Dean and Sharon Green at (570) 977-1724.PV Band ParentsPleasant Valley Band parents will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 4, at the high school. On Saturday, Aug. 6, the incoming seniors will be painting paw prints at the high school, beginning at 9 a.m. That project is also set for the same time on Saturday, Aug. 13.PVEN Board meetsThe board of directors for the Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network will meet at 9 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 4, at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville.Youth Field Day setThe Monroe County Youth Field Day, a free event to be held at Camp Trexler in Monroe's West End, will take place on Saturday, Sept. 10.Children ages 8 to 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all activities, which will include fishing and kayaking, shooting skills, presentations by the Game Commission, etc.Registration is due with Angela Schwartz at P. O. Box 208, Kresgeville, PA 18333Mommy ShowerOur Lady Queen of Peace is inviting parishioners and friends to bring in new and gently used maternity clothes for Shepherd's Maternity House.Donors are asked to please bring donated items to the church office until Aug. 14.For more information call Jill at (610) 681-7735.