Published August 28. 2017 02:45PM
Zoning violations sparked the conversation earlier this month at Parryville's borough council meeting.
The council discussed certain borough ordinances that have been being violated and weighed the options to address them.The conclusion was made that Light-Heigel & Associates Inc., Parryville's zoning officer was appointed to enforce the ordinances.The borough is reviewing security measures and is considering some possible upgrades.The next thing discussed was the need for a new borough employee.The workload for the current workers has become quite heavy, therefore the borough will be searching for an interested part-time employee.Anyone interested should send a résumé to tax creditIn hopes of supporting the Parryville Volunteer Fire Company, the council discussed the possibility of implementing the recently passed PA Act 172.The act is defined as, "Incentives for Municipal Volunteers of Fire Companies and Nonprofit Emergency Medical Services Agencies."What this means for volunteer firemen and women is that they would receive tax credit depending on their level of commitment to the company.Being that much of the work will fall on the fire company, no decision was made until some of council meets with one of their members.The borough will also be accepting bids for the tar and chip project.Bids will be opened on Sept. 13.Council has changed the next two meetings to 7 p.m. Sept. 14 and 7 p.m. Oct. 23.