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Faith-Paced Walkers ready for fall events

The Faith-Paced Walkers Club will be at the Redneck Festival Labor Day Weekend, with an information stand.

People will be able to register for the fall walk and will receive a gift for signing up and a ticket for a door prize to be awarded at the end of the festival. The door prize will be for adult walkers, but there will also be gifts for children. Registration is free.The club will start walking Sept. 5 at the Weissport Canal. Registration is from 7:15 to 7:45 a.m. The walk begins at 8 a.m. sharp. All ages are invited to walk, and you can walk for as far as you wish.Everyone coming to walk on opening day will get a prize.The group will meet each Tuesday and Thursday at the same time and place until Oct. 26.On the final day, there will be more prizes.Participants are asked to bring a nonperishable food item to each walk. The items are collected and given to local food pantries.For more information, contact Anita Wisler, at 610-377-5395.