My first day of school
While the first day of school had its fair share of chaos for students, parents, teachers and administrators, everyone at L.B. Morris in Jim Thorpe was able to work together to make for a great start for the academic year.
"The kids are fantastic, they're excited about their first day, and they're ready to learn. It's always a good way to start the year," kindergarten teacher Shannon Fannock said.Even with 785 students, including 72 kindergartners, Principal Holly Mordaunt said that day one went off without a hitch. Well, just about."Honestly, we only had three students cry this morning," she said. "That is the least amount, ever, since I became principal. We didn't have any parents cry. Usually we have that with our kindergartners. It really was a positive start."Mordaunt said that the major source of first day woes, transportation, moved quite smoothly, with every student in their respective classrooms by 8:35 am."It was the fastest we've ever done it," she said. "The students are ready to go, ready to learn. They were eager to learn. It was an amazing start to the school year, I think it's the best one I've ever had. Usually, one of our biggest challenges is getting everyone on the correct bus for the ride home on the first day. But we're getting our information from our transportation director, and we're ready to go."In Fannock's kindergarten class, all of the children were geared up and ready to go, eagerly participating in lessons and jumping at the chance to answer questions.Even with all of that energy, the students were remarkably well-behaved.As to the favorite part of the day, most of the kindergartners went with lunch - cheeseburgers or chicken patties - or recess, though quite a few were looking forward to a little birthday celebration for a fellow student scheduled for later in the afternoon, complete with cupcakes.But when Fannock brought out her iPad to show the students what they would be getting thanks to Project OLE (Olympian One-to-One Learning), you could feel the excitement in the air."Pretty soon, in about a week or two, these tablets are going to be your favorite part of your day," Fannock told the students. "You can use these to learn your alphabet, words, numbers, and more!"While everyone was thankful to avoid any first day disasters and keep everyone on track, the L.B. Morris team was most proud of encouraging a positive learning environment, especially for the first-timers - whether they're students or staff."Our new teachers and our new students really adapted well, and they immediately became part of our school community, our family," Mordaunt said."It was a great first day."