Published November 02. 2019 07:11AM
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to ask the voters of Carbon County to consider the candidacy of my brother Tom as the next controller of Carbon County.
The job of controller requires an objective analysis and evaluation of county finances. This critical, independent position is Carbon County’s watchdog who protects taxpayer money and holds government accountable. As a systems administrator, Tom is adept at monitoring and securing network systems, analyzing market trends, policy enforcement and team management, while ensuring accountability. We need a tough, ardent and tenacious leader to accomplish this task.
I can attest that Tom is incredibly talented and capable of stepping up to the task at hand. I would respectfully ask you to vote for and endorse his candidacy to this vital county position.
Keith R. McCall
Brother, Former Member PA House of Representatives, 136th Speaker of Pa House of Representatives
Summit Hill