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West End Fair baking contests announced

The 91st Annual West End Fair in Gilbert has announced its preliminary special baking contests. Entrants may not have won first place in this PA Preferred Chocolate Cake, Cookie, Brownie, or Bar contest at any other fair in 2012. The same rule applies for the Apple Pie and Angel Food Cake Contests for 2012.

The PA Preferred Program, PA Dept. of Agriculture, and Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs (PSACF) co-sponsor the PA Preferred Chocolate Cake contest and the Brownie and Bar contest.Over 110 fairs across the commonwealth will offer cash prizes for the best cake and tastiest cookie, brownie or bar in the youth category (ages 8-18).First place winners at the West End Fair can compete at the state Farm Show in January. First place winner at the Farm Show will be awarded a cash grand prize of $500 for the winning Chocolate Cake recipe and $250 for the Cookie, Brownie or Bar recipe.Pay close attention to the rules/judging criteria for the Chocolate Cake contest found on page 71 of the West End Fair Premium Book and page 55 for the Cookie, Brownie and Bar contest, as there have been significant changes for 2012.Please note contestants are to use as many PA Preferred products as possible. To find PA Preferred products, look for the blue and yellow PA Preferred logo on ingredient packaging or visit

www.papreferred.com.The 25th Annual Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest is co-sponsored by the PA Apple Marketing Program, the PA Department of Agriculture and the PSACF. The first place winner at the West End Fair can compete at the Farm Show in January.The entry need not be a "traditional" two-crusted apple pie. It can have a variety of fillings but must include at least 60 percent apples in the filling. The entire list of rules/judging criteria can be found on page 70 of the West End Fair Premium Book.The final special baking contest is the ninth annual Angel Food Cake Contest, which is sponsored by the Pennsylvania's Egg Farmers and PSACF. Like the other special contests, the winning cake will be eligible for competition at the PA State Farm Show in January. Special rules/judging criteria are in the Premium Book on page 70.Participants must preregister their baking contest entry on the same preregistration form used to enter items in Departments 11-19, 21, 22, and 23. A preregistration form is available on page 102 of the Premium Book. Pre-registration deadline is Aug. 5.West End Fair Premium Books can be found at local businesses and the entire Premium Book is online at

www.westendfairgilbertpa.com.For more information, call (610) 381-3895 or email

wefair@ptd.net. Only preregistered entries will be accepted on Saturday, Aug. 25 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Judging will begin Sunday, Aug. 26 at 10 a.m.