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If you're under 40 you will not understand

Dear Editor:

- You could hardly watch television for all the snow. Spread the rabbit ears as far as they can go to no benefit.- My mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs, and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife but no one got food poisoning.- Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in a cedar lake instead of a pristine pool.- Women's flamboyant holiday sweaters that smell of moth balls.- We took gym, not PE. Flunking gym was not an option.- I can see my mom washing clothes with the wringer washer.- We all must have had damaged psyches, what an archaic health system we had. I remember the nurse at work wore a white hat and uniform.- I thought I had to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.- We played king of the hill on a pile of dirt on the corner lot. If you got hurt mom put on mercurochrome. It didn't sting like Iodine. I just bought a small bottle for $4.- To top it off, not a single person came from a dysfunctional family.- I recall my dad tipping his hat as he passed the church or met a lady on the street. It did not matter if he knew her. He was being polite.- And folks always gave their seat on a bus or trolley to a wounded veteran.- Remember that life's most simple pleasures are often the best.From the pen ofK TregerLehighton