Northern Lehigh School Board
In other business, Northern Lehigh School Board, on a 5-0 vote on Monday, with directors Mathias Green, Gregory Williams, Robert Keegan Jr. and Gale Husack absent, took the following action:
• Authorized administration to purchase a Network Security Insurance policy at a cost not to exceed $9,500, which would cover cyber activity, including notification and credit monitoring for all those compromised, as well as remediation.• Approved to authorize the superintendent to execute a letter of agreement for the 2017-18 academic year with the Center for Humanistic Change Inc. to provide Student Assistance Program Liaison services. The Student Assistance Teams in the district will use these services.• Approved the administrative transfers of: Elizabeth Case from special education teacher at Slatington Elementary School to special education teacher at Northern Lehigh Middle School, at no change in salary, effective Aug. 21; Kerry Hill from administrative secretary to the assistant superintendent, replacing Debi Hollenbach, who resigned, at a salary of $30,000, effective Sept. 12; and Kimberly Nunemacher as Slatington Elementary office aide, replacing Hill, who was administratively transferred, at a salary of $10.93 an hour, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, for up to 180 student days per year, effective Sept. 12.• Acknowledged that teacher Ryan Stillwell has completed the requirements per the Collective Bargaining Agreement that would entitle him to a salary increase for the 2017-18 school year from Step 3B to Step 3B+24.• Approved teachers Kerri Brocious, elementary, and Christina Oertner, elementary PK-4, for the 2017-18 school year at the 2017-18 substitute teacher rates as approved on the supplementary personnel salary schedule.• Approved Allison Chruscial to attend the PSCA Annual Conference from Nov. 30-Dec. 1in Hershey, with the cost of registration, $320; lodging, $143; meals, $32; and travel, $85; for a total cost of $580, to be funded through the high school guidance budget; and Joseph Tout to attend the University of Pittsburgh: College in High School Conference, Sept. 14-15in Pittsburgh, with the cost of lodging, $153; and travel, $284, for a total cost of $437, to be funded through the curriculum and instruction budget.• Elected the following candidates as officers for the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, effective Jan. 1, 2018, through Dec. 31, 2018: Otto Voit,president-elect; Gary Michael Smedley, vice president; Mike Gossert, treasurer; and Michael Faccinetto and Marianne Neel as PSBA insurance trust trustees.