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Nesquehoning officer now has full-time role

Nesquehoning again has a full complement in its police department after promoting a part-time officer to full-time status this week.

During the borough council meeting on Wednesday, council unanimously approved hiring Bejtullah Mehmeti as a full-time officer following a six-month probationary period. Mehmeti was hired by the borough as a part-time officer in November.

Council agreed Mehmeti’s pay would be set at step 3 of the union contract due to his previous experience in law enforcement. They did not provide a dollar amount for that step, just noting that there are six steps in salary based on experience.

“We gave him credit for his years of service,” council President David Hawk said, adding that he had previously worked in Allentown and had most recently worked as a school officer in the Lehighton Area School District.

Following the vote, Mehmeti thanked council for hiring him and said that he looks forward to working alongside everyone.

“I think it is a great department and I look forward to being an asset to this community,” he said.

Council members also congratulated him on joining the force.

Nesquehoning is one of the only police departments in the Panther Valley with a full roster after being plagued a few years ago with being down to one officer and depending on state police to cover the borough when that officer wasn’t on duty.

Since 2022, the borough has been rebuilding its police force and adding additional positions to better provide for round-the-clock coverage.

Nesquehoning Police Chief Bradley Hess, left, welcomes newly hired full-time officer Bejtullah Mehmeti to the force following borough council’s approval on Wednesday. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS