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Pocono Garden Club to meet April 8

Learn about “Creating a Hummingbird Haven” when the Pocono Garden Club meets at 1 p.m. on April 8 at the Monroe County Conservation District, 8050 Running Valley Road, Bartonsville.

The program will be presented by club member and Master Gardener Kathy Calligari.

The meeting’s design entry is called “April Fool” and should be a phoenix design. Fool everyone with one silk flower among the fresh ones in the design.

The horticulture entry should be a hellebore in bloom or any flowering bulb such as a snow drop or narcissus in a clear container.

The houseplant entry should be any vining or trailing houseplant. Bring a stand to elevate your plant.

In addition, the club will hold its annual flower show and plant sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 12. The sale will take place at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 158 Fish Hill Road, Tannersville. This year’s theme is “Books and Blooms.” Numerous local non-profit organizations benefit.

For more information, contact club President Daisy Medeiros at poconogardenclub@gmail.com. Visit the Pocono Garden Club on Facebook.