PA Turnpike debuts new texting service
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has officially launched a new text messaging service, offering customers real-time communication during unexpected traffic backlogs and underscoring its commitment to providing a safe, reliable, customer-valued toll road.
This transportation industry first is free, available 24/7 and designed only for PA Turnpike customers experiencing unexpected backlogs. By texting “info” to 47676, drivers receive automated, location-specific information about the incident, anticipated clearance times and roadway updates.
“We take immense pride in maintaining safe, clear roadways on the PA Turnpike,” said turnpike Chief Operating Officer Craig Shuey. “Yet, we know incidents happen. While 47676 can’t lift drivers out of a backlog, it provides them timely reassurance that incidents are being handled, and an estimate on when travel will resume.”
Here’s how it works: While at a complete stop in a location where it is safe to remain stationary, through hands-free devices and voice command or through a passenger in the car, text “info” to 47676. Users will be walked through prompts to verify their backlog location using GPS. Once confirmed, the service provides automated updates every 15-20 minutes, including what happened, how long it will take to clear and other roadway updates. Texts stop after an incident clears. To reactivate the service for a new incident, text 47676 again. This is not used for daily commuter traffic or constructed-related delays.
In June, Paul Miller’s Law goes into effect, prohibiting the use of handheld mobile devices while driving. Drivers are expected to follow this and all other applicable laws and regulations related to the use of mobile devices in vehicles.
The concept originated from the turnpike’s annual employee innovation challenge, styled after the “Shark Tank” reality competition. The idea was for all customers to be able to text for incident updates when stuck in a backlog.
“The PA Turnpike has a variety of efforts that enhance roadway reliability,” said Manager of Incident Management and Traffic Operations Mike Pack. “This includes dedicated staff training, emergency responder coordination and real-time condition monitoring. Despite their rarity, we know drivers are frustrated by unexpected backlogs; 47676 can help alleviate some of that concern.”
Due to these initiatives, the turnpike recently achieved its fastest clearance time in three years. The metric is measured from incident detection to all travel lanes open.
This service compliments existing customer assistance offerings such as *11 and 511. Drivers can also call 911 at any time for life-threatening emergencies, criminal activity and immediate police, fire or EMS assistance.