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Schuylkill Twp. looks for trash bids

The Schuylkill Township garbage contract isn’t up until the end of 2025, but the township supervisors are getting ready for the next one.

Meeting Wednesday, the supervisors voted to advertise for bids for a 2025 contract. The bids will be due at their May 21 meeting.

Supervisors Chuck Fayash said he thought the township would get a better price if they would leave the collection day up to the potential hauler.

Supervisor Gary Feathers agreed the township would get more bidders that way. So the supervisors decided leave the collection day up to the potential hauler.

Under the current contract, one bulky item can be put out per week for pickup.

The supervisors decided to hold off on increasing the monthly garbage contract until the bids come in for the new contract.

The supervisors asked Mark Buccieri, the township’s road foreman, what roads should be paved this summer. Outside of patching the township crew will do, Buccieri said he wasn’t planning on paving any roads with outside help this year because the township spent $100,000 last summer. So he told the supervisors he will compile a list of the three worse roads that are in need of paving.

The supervisors voted to send Buccieri for code enforcement training, since there are no police officers to do it as had been done in the past. The board also approved a resolution for Buccieri to obtain copies of citations and file them at the magisterial district justice’s office.

The township’s advertisement for new police officers has not yielded any applicants. Since the township does not have any officers right now, the supervisors decided to take down the internet hotspot they had for the police.

The supervisors are also looking for someone to write grants. Some municipalities use engineering firms to do it, but attorney Chris Reidlinger, the township’s solicitor, said there are private citizens who could write grants at a lesser cost.